2010 三月,就在生日过後,充满 奇的一个月。
- 旧笔电归西,修不好,心情难过!
- 因为店员报错价,用便宜二千多的价格买下了现在手头上的新笔电 Lenovo 3000 G450 顶级款,心情开心!
- 原先买的 HTC Maggic 配上新笔电随处可以 3G 上网,心情开心!
- 老爸买新休旅车,因为旧车车况很好但中古价太低,所以我接下那台保养得很好的 Honda Accord ,突然变成有车族其实打破了我原先的财务规划,多出了一个重大的变数,心情 慌不定!
- 参加五月天的演唱会,第一次站在那麽靠近舞台的位置,心情开心!
- 快好的感冒,去看了演唱会之後更严重了,心情闷!
- 上个月穿的耳洞痊愈了,终於又可以游泳了,心情开心!
- 分享了心仪的女孩心里的故事,自己也说出了内心想说的话,心情开心!
March 2010.
- It's a surprise month after my birthday!
- My laptop was dead, I was rescue by all my repair skills but... (Feel sad!).
- I bought a Laptop, Lenovo 3000 series, G450, A Class with a nice condition. The employee inform me 21K, and the real price is 23.8K, for hold their goodwill, the manager actively prices me at 21K. (Feel happy!).
- The new laptop matches with my HTC Magic mobile. Now, I can internet anywhere with 3G technology. (Feel happy).
- My Dad bought a new Honda CRV, so he gave his old Honda Accord to me! Well, I have car! That’s great! But its not in my financial plan. (Feel nervous).
- Join the Mayday’s concert in Kaohsiung, 800K persons. The first time stood so close to concert stage. (Feel happy).
- I caught a cold. It's even more serious when i back from Mayday's concert. (Feel depressed).
- I pierced my ears last month. They are going to fully recovery from illness. Yeah! I can swim now. I love swimming. (Feel happy).
- I like a girl. She shares her deep heart story with me, and I told her that I like her. (Feel happy).
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- 关键字 : 心情开心(5), happy(5), concert(3), Honda(3), 演唱会(2), month(2), laptop(2), bought(2), Mayday(2), Lenovo(2), Accord(2), 麽靠近舞(1), 顶级款(1), 过後(1), 财务规划(1), 说出(1), 耳洞痊愈(1), 终於(1), 第一(1), 旧笔电归西(1)
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