Does anyone point what I made mistakes in this letter, please!
感谢您挪用宝贵的时间阅读本信件,我们确信您花这些时间将会是值得的。首先我先自我介绍一下,我们是黑族 (Heyxu) 管理团队,黑族 (Heyxu) 是一系列提供资讯的网站总合而成的一个网路平台,经营的理念是『提供大众免费、便利、可靠的资讯。』
贵公司/团体是我们用各种角度去评估,最合 也最具影响力的组织,让我们不得不厚颜地提出这份邀请,透过您与贵公司/团体的助力,迈向便利生活的脚步必定加倍踏实。
邀请贵公司/团体参与『黑族在地生活平台计划 ( Plan of Heyxu Locallife Platform)』,这是黑族系列网站中的新增项目,我们将这个专案拟成一份简易的企划书,夹带於本信的附件中,请过目。
Project manager: Neil Y.K.
Cell phone: +886-919-100202
Heyxu Multimedia Inc.
No.178 Zhongsang 1st Rd., Sinsing District, Kaohsiung City ,Taiwan
To Marking Officer of Company:
Thank you for your kindly to read this letter, we ensure you will not waste your time. First of all, we are the manage group of Heyxu( Heyxu is a web-bases service platform, it contents serials of websites. Like portal, forum, blog, horoscopes and advertising. We provide free, convenient and reliable information to public.
We found your company in our researching reports, the must important and influence organizes in the market. So we had to send this invite with audacity. Through your company’s join and assistance, the way to convenient life will not too far.
We invite your company to join plan of Heyxu Local Life. This plan is the new added project on Heyxu Platform. We strongest wish you can spend your time to read our simple planning file that attached in the tail of letter.
Heyxu Local Life
Finally, we hope you can found the benefits for your company, found the faith to us. We sincerely ask for your join and advices.
Sincerely wishes
Project manager: Neil Y.K.
Cell phone: +886-919-100202
Heyxu Multimedia Inc.
No.178 Zhongsang 1st Rd., Sinsing District, Kaohsiung City ,Taiwan
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- 关键字 : Heyxu(11), 黑族(4), 团体(4), heyxu(4), company(4), letter(3), found(3), 地生活(2), phone(2), manager(2), local(2), invite(2), convenient(2), Zhongsang(2), Taiwan(2), Sinsing(2), Project(2), Platform(2), Multimedia(2), Local(2)