昨天的三杯咖啡 走了晚上的睡意, 看著 PPS 上的电影, 想藉此找到一些无聊的剧情打个哈欠, 来引来一丝丝的睡意, 很好! 一次都没有! 天啊天亮了, 我居然在床上发呆了几个钟头, 然後还可以大喊『精行罢倍』,
好吧! 去晨泳好了! 今天来试试自创的美人鱼游法~ 首先潜到水里, 接著头往上提, 弓起身驱像个U型, 再把头往下低, 摆动腰际, 真的只能说是超完美的史诗姿势, 水顺著身体的曲线轻轻的滑过, 闭上双眼静静的去感受那种如鱼得水的体验, 缓缓的张开眼, 你才会恍然, 原来... 我还在原来的位置上!!! 去! 一定是没有装鱼尾巴才会游不动的啦!!
After 3 cup of coffee, i felt clearly all the last night. watch cinema on PPS to try to find something boring to causing feel of sleep, but never once! okay! so i join the morning swim.
Today i will show you how to swim like Mermaid! first of all, diving into the water. raise your head. like a U on your body shape. waving the waist, wow! perfect like Mermaid in the Epic. the water around myself smoothly. close eyes. i felt the duck to water. okay now. open your eyes, wow~ uhm !!!! i still here? i need a fish tail!!
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- 关键字 : water(3), 睡意(2), 原来(2), Mermaid(2), 还可以大喊(1), 身体(1), 美人鱼游法(1), 缓缓(1), 精行罢倍(1), 种如鱼得水(1), 电影(1), 滑过(1), 水顺(1), 来试试自创(1), 曲线轻轻(1), 晚上(1), 摆动腰际(1), 才会恍然(1), 张开眼(1), 弓起身驱(1)
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