飕! 一颗流星!
一会儿~ 飕! 又一颗流星掠过天际!
The midnight before last night, I stand on the roof, and a little bit extravagant hopes to see the meteor. When I still thinking, whiz~ a meteor appeared. For a while! Whiz~ another one skim over the sky. Those wishes without greed are always come true.
All wishes will come true when you believe.
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- 关键字 : wishes(2), meteor(2), 能否(1), 流星(1), 晚上才(1), 愿望总(1), 心想事成(1), 会实现(1), 些无关贪婪(1), 一颗流星(1), 一会儿(1), without(1), while(1), thinking(1), still(1), stand(1), night(1), midnight(1), little(1), hopes(1)
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