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      JScript 事件的共用

      JScript 事件的共用





      指定函數就好了,這一刻才了解addEventListener 這種函數存在的道理,把新函數累加到舊函數裡去。

      於是我很熱血的查了一下addEventListener 的用法,發現不是每個瀏覽器都支援,於是又找到一個增加對於addEventListener 的支援的過載函數。

      增加對於addEventListener 的支援
      1. if (!Element.prototype.addEventListener) {
      2. var oListeners = {};
      3. function runListeners(oEvent) {
      4. if (!oEvent) { oEvent = window.event; }
      5. for (var iLstId = 0, iElId = 0, oEvtListeners = oListeners[oEvent.type]; iElId < oEvtListeners.aEls.length; iElId++) {
      6. if (oEvtListeners.aEls[iElId] === this) {
      7. for (iLstId; iLstId < oEvtListeners.aEvts[iElId].length; iLstId++) { oEvtListeners.aEvts[iElId][iLstId].call(this, oEvent); }
      8. break;
      9. }
      10. }
      11. }
      12. Element.prototype.addEventListener = function (sEventType, fListener /*, useCapture (will be ignored!) */) {
      13. if (oListeners.hasOwnProperty(sEventType)) {
      14. var oEvtListeners = oListeners[sEventType];
      15. for (var nElIdx = -1, iElId = 0; iElId < oEvtListeners.aEls.length; iElId++) {
      16. if (oEvtListeners.aEls[iElId] === this) { nElIdx = iElId; break; }
      17. }
      18. if (nElIdx === -1) {
      19. oEvtListeners.aEls.push(this);
      20. oEvtListeners.aEvts.push([fListener]);
      21. this["on" + sEventType] = runListeners;
      22. } else {
      23. var aElListeners = oEvtListeners.aEvts[nElIdx];
      24. if (this["on" + sEventType] !== runListeners) {
      25. aElListeners.splice(0);
      26. this["on" + sEventType] = runListeners;
      27. }
      28. for (var iLstId = 0; iLstId < aElListeners.length; iLstId++) {
      29. if (aElListeners[iLstId] === fListener) { return; }
      30. }
      31. aElListeners.push(fListener);
      32. }
      33. } else {
      34. oListeners[sEventType] = { aEls: [this], aEvts: [ [fListener] ] };
      35. this["on" + sEventType] = runListeners;
      36. }
      37. };
      38. Element.prototype.removeEventListener = function (sEventType, fListener /*, useCapture (will be ignored!) */) {
      39. if (!oListeners.hasOwnProperty(sEventType)) { return; }
      40. var oEvtListeners = oListeners[sEventType];
      41. for (var nElIdx = -1, iElId = 0; iElId < oEvtListeners.aEls.length; iElId++) {
      42. if (oEvtListeners.aEls[iElId] === this) { nElIdx = iElId; break; }
      43. }
      44. if (nElIdx === -1) { return; }
      45. for (var iLstId = 0, aElListeners = oEvtListeners.aEvts[nElIdx]; iLstId < aElListeners.length; iLstId++) {
      46. if (aElListeners[iLstId] === fListener) { aElListeners.splice(iLstId, 1); }
      47. }
      48. };
      49. }


      window.resize 這個事件沒法動呀!整個就是作白工!所以整個就是很火大!害我花了那麼多時間...


      1. /* 作者:魚戀秋波 http://neil.heyxu.com */
      2. function jaby_eventListener(tar,icode){
      3. eval('var a = String('+tar+'?'+tar+':\'function(){}\')');
      4. var p1 = a.indexOf('{');
      5. var p2 = a.indexOf('}',-1);
      6. a = a.substring(p1+1,p2);
      7. var func = 'function(){ '+a+icode+'};';
      8. eval(tar+'='+func);
      9. }


      • This is a declared original article, to respect the copyright, please do not repost this article without the consent of the author.
      • Keywords : iElId(16), oEvtListeners(15), iLstId(14), sEventType(11), aElListeners(9), nElIdx(8), function(8), oListeners(7), fListener(7), length(6), aEvts(6), runListeners(5), oEvent(5), return(3), prototype(3), break(3), Element(3), 想到(2), 增加(2), 函數(2)
      0 0


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