Why did I love sitting on the beach, watch the ocean and waves. because they can placate my soul.
when the wave accumulates its power and hits on the rocks. boom! boom! the sounds from right to left, the white bubbles splash and disappear immediately.
like a plastic sweep brushes the dirt away my mood.
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- 關鍵字 : 靈魂(1), 隨即消失(1), 能量打(1), 白色泡沫(1), 海灘上飛濺(1), 海灘上(1), 海洋(1), 浪花(1), 心情(1), 岩石上(1), 喜歡坐(1), 可以安撫(1), white(1), waves(1), watch(1), sweep(1), splash(1), sounds(1), sitting(1), rocks(1)
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