昨天在路上撿回來剛在學飛卻摔到地上的小鳥兒, 看來牠似乎很喜歡在我的鍵盤上大便 @@
The bird just learning to fly but fell to the ground. I pick him up on the sidewalk Yesterday. It's seems likes to pipi on my keyboard!!!
小斑鳩已經有力量可以飛嚕, 也會自己吃飯了, 所以今天決定讓牠離開, 下午就把牠放在後陽台上, 牠就飛到隔壁陽台上, 晚上再去看了一下, 牠還在陽台上睡覺沒有走, 明天再看牠在不在, 會不會回來吃飯飯!
Finially, Little turtledove has been learns fly, and eating by himself. so I decided to let him go free. It's a sunny afternoon. he stands on my finger. I put him on the balcony, after while, it flew to the balcony next door.
When I back home tonight, he still standing on the same balcony and sleeping. Will he still there and back to eating his favorite foods tomorrow I think!
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- 關鍵字 : balcony(3), still(2), eating(2), 鍵盤上大便(1), 看來牠似乎(1), 晚上再去看(1), 後陽(1), 小鳥兒(1), 小斑鳩已經(1), 回來吃飯飯(1), 喜歡(1), 吃飯(1), 再看牠(1), 上睡覺(1), 一下(1), while(1), turtledove(1), tonight(1), tomorrow(1), think(1)
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